What is a ZWDS Chart?
Over the years, I’ve often been asked by students: How far can we stretch the use of a ZWDS chart? Can it measure s…
Over the years, I’ve often been asked by students: How far can we stretch the use of a ZWDS chart? Can it measure s…
The answer is NO. I believe that most of my senior fellow practitioners in ZWDS would strongly disagree with me, as they have dedicated their entire careers to predicting the future for others and demonstrating their accuracy. To answer this question, we need to first understand the definition of “prediction”. A quick Google search defines …
Is Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) a good prediction tool? Read More »
The taste of success is very appealing, appetizing and attractive. We all know that we must take action in order to gain success. Now, the question is do we have potential to attain success? It would be absolutely much more “delicious” if we know when we should plant the seed and harvest it. You will …
Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) has been serving as a destiny navigator for over a thousand years. The question is, what can Zi We…
Lost. Sad. Depressed. “But I do not know what is the truth?” Is he worth the time that you invest? Is he being honest in…
As a business consultant with decades of experience, I have observed and interacted with numerous successful businessmen…
In a normal work environment, ceteris paribus*, everyone should have the opportunity to be promoted. If you miss out on …
In ancient times, people commonly traveled on foot or horseback, if they belonged to high society or had a job that allo…
The concept of a clash (相冲) has been given a negative reputation, often associated with bad luck, harm, threat or jinx t…
As we approach the end of the Chinese lunar year, it is customary for those who celebrate Chinese New Year to request a …