The Success Game

The taste of success is very appealing, appetizing and attractive. We all know that we must take action in order to gain success. Now, the question is do we have potential to attain success? It would be absolutely much more “delicious” if we know when we should plant the seed and harvest it.

You will feel superb if you have both “line of achievement” and “line of success” in your chart. Those who have these 2 lines in the chart will easily attain success in life or during that special 10 years, which is the golden 10 years. You will be surprise seeing some people even have golden 20 years or even 30 years.

Now, Zi Wei Dou Shu (aka. Purple Flying Star) will tell you the time for you to take action. Take action at the right time, grab the opportunity when the time is here and prepare yourself when the time has yet to come.

(Plot your chart here).

Most people link success to money. What if money cannot buy you the feeling of success in life? What if you are born to attain something else (such as travel around the whole world, taking care of family or having own business) instead of joining the rat race.


 (Image credit: Internet)

You don’t ask a monkey to swim and a fish to climb a tree. Everyone is not equal. Fear not if your “own success life” is not money. Not everyone is the same and not everyone is born with money minded. We are all different. Have you find out your very own definition of successful life?

Till then. Adios, amigo.

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