🎁 Free Zi Wei Consultation

Serving the community

This pro-bono community service is catered for members of the public who are desperately needing help or guidance in life. Anyone who is caught in a financial deadlock, drowning in debts, struggling to put food on the table and would like to find out about a destiny, this might be the right place for you. In this free ziwei service, you will get a Free 1x1 private Zi Wei consultation volunteered by some of our Institute's Graduate Consultants. This consultation will focus on your wealth and career related aspects - it's all absolutely FREE.

About this Free Zi Wei service

  • This free Zi Wei consultation (SD Lite) is only offered to those who are experiencing extreme financial despair and would like to seek light about their destinies. Entrapped in a relationship emotion or other life challenges are not justifiable reasons to qualify you for this service (Visit our premium services that offer more comprehensive life reading and analysis: Go here).

  • The duration of this FREE Zi Wei consultation is 30 minutes per consultation. And it is also subjected to a once in a lifetime quota. Due to overwhelming response, this quota control is to allow opportunity for others who may also be desperately needing guidance.

  • How do you prove your financial status to us? You need not have to. Haven't you forgotten that this is what Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数-四化飞星) is capable of - decoding your life destiny? All you need to do is give us your date and time of birth.

  • By clicking ORDER below does not automatically qualify you to this free Zi Wei service (SD Lite). We will assess your Zi Wei chart first before we approve. Ordering Process: Click Order --> Order Form --> Approval process. You will be duly notified if your request has been approved. Please check your email for notification.

  • Your SD service will be delivered via an online SKYPE chat. Request for email/report/typed/texted consultation will not be entertained.

  • The consultations in this SD Lite service is provided by our Graduate Consultants as part of their trainings upon graduation.

  • We apologize that we only have limited spots for a limited number of lucky applicants in any one month.

  • Ziwei Asia does not consult on physical or mental health matter. Please seek appropriate professional medical advice.

We are sorry. The Free Zi Wei Dou Shu Consultation service is closed for this month. Please visit us again next month. Thanks.

We are sorry. The Free Ziwei Consultation is now closed for the month. Please come visit us again next month.

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Ziwei Asia
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