
"Buy Now Pay Later “ or “BNPL" is a deferred payment service provided on iPay88 by its partners whereby Customers/Students may make purchases and pay for them at a future date under a separate financing arrangement between Customer/Student and iPay88’s/its partner. iPay88/its partner will pay us upfront upon the purchase of Service or Chart and the Customer/Student will pay to iPay88/its partner according to the deferred payment structure as agreed between the Customer/Student and iPay88/its partner.

"Customer" includes anyone who orders our destiny consultation or purchases our Chart and includes Students.

"Consultant" means our appointed staff to provide destiny consultations to our Customer who orders our Service. He has been trained and qualified by Institute of Ziwei International.

"Trainer" means our appointed staff who provides destiny education in destiny courses to our Student. He has been trained and qualified by Institute of Ziwei International

"Website" is defined in the Terms of Use (Read here).

"Ziwei Service" or "Service" means destiny consultations or destiny courses offered by us. They include free or paid consultations.

"Ziwei Chart" or "Chart" means the chart calculated based on user input of the gender, date and time of birth. They include charts that are freely available for all users or charts that are purchased for extra and added features.


The prices as shown on this Website are valid for online/internet order and online Service only. The offline (non-internet) prices may be different from the prices shown on this Website.


Customer/Student must pay for the Service or Chart first before we deliver.

We may offer Customer/Student alternative payment methods such as bank transfer, JomPay®, Debit and Credit cards, PayPal®, iPay88, BNPL etc, depending on the availability in the Customer's/Student's location.

We do not request, process or store Customer's/Student's payment information. This is performed by the payment gateway of Customer's/Student's choice (Read our Privacy Statement And Cookies Policy).


Refund request for the Service purchased, regardless of payment method (ie. bank transfer, credit card, BNPL, etc) must be made either (i) prior to the confirmation/approval/acceptance of Customer's/Student's appointment by us, or (ii) within 24 hours after Customer/Student order is made, whichever occurs first.

Refund request for the Chart purchased, regardless of payment method (ie. bank transfer, credit card, BNPL, etc.) must be made within the first 48 hours from the time of purchase.

Unless the Customer/Student is advised otherwise, all refund requests will be processed immediately. However, it may take longer for the Customer/Student to receive the money due to the remittance process that is performed by the payment gateway.

Service Order and Delivery

Customer/Student is responsible for correctly providing all requested order information, which includes Customer's/Student's gender, email, date and time of birth and place of birth. If incorrect information is provided, it may result in Customer/Student receiving and being liable to pay for inaccurate destiny analysis or no Service delivery, in the case of incorrect email given.

Upon completion of the order, Customer/Student will receive an order confirmation or receipt in an email. This email is auto-generated by our system and it is sent as soon as the order is completed. It is Customer's/Student's responsibility to check email frequently, including Junk/Spam box and notify us if he has not received any email after 5 hours from the time of the purchase.

This auto-generated email will contain an appointment link that allows Customer/Student to book appointment with Customer's/Student's Trainer or Consultant (Refer "Service Appointment" below).

For Service delivery, it will be conducted online, using Skype, Zoom meeting or other equivalent method of online chat application. The detail of this connection will be sent out to Customer/Student in the same auto-generated email above.

For destiny courses delivery, the maximum duration for all courses is 3 months from the date of the first lesson of the respective course. It is the Student's responsibility to arrange all lesson appointments (Refer "Service Appointment" below) within the maximum duration and to complete all lessons within the maximum duration. For any duration extension, the Student must obtain approval from the assigned Trainer prior to the expiry of the maximum duration. Failure to do so will indicate that the Student is no longer interested to pursue the course and the course fee, whether spent or unspent, will be deemed consumed.

Except as otherwise set out in the Refund section above, all orders for Service and Chart are non-cancellable and non-refundable.

Chart Order and Delivery

For Chart purchase, Customer is responsible for correctly entering his email in the form. If incorrect email is entered, it may result in Customer not getting the activation code to register the Chart access. Chart purchase will also require Customer to sign and agree to our EULA (Read: here).

Upon completion of the order, Customer will receive an order confirmation or receipt in an email. This email is auto-generated by our system and it is sent as soon as the order is completed. It is Customer's responsibility to check email frequently, including Junk/Spam box and notify us if he has not received any email after 5 hours from the time of the purchase.

This auto-generated email will contain an activation code that allows Customer to register for Chart access. It has an expiry thus requires Customer's immediate action to activate the Chart access.

For Chart delivery, it will all be automated. Customer will use the activation code, as stipulated above to register his Chart access.

Service Appointment

Appointment is only applicable to Customer/Student who orders paid Service.

Appointment is booked through our calendar system where Customer/Student will have visibility to the Consultant's/Trainer's availability for Service. This calendar system is given access to Customer/Student through a link provided as stipulated in the "Order" clause above.

The dates and times on the appointment calendar will automatically be converted to your timezone where you make this selection during the appointment registration. Therefore it is your responsibility to select the correct timezone of the location where you will be receiving the Service.

It is Customer's/Student's responsibility to check his email (including his Junk/Spam box) frequently for any changes/updates about the appointment.

Please note that, the appointment is only considered valid if the Customer's/Student's appointment has been confirmed/approved/accepted by his Consultant/Trainer, whichever case is applicable.

Customer/Student may at anytime prior to the appointment, with at least 24 hours notice given to his Consultant/Trainer, re-schedule or cancel his appointment. However, the changed appointment is only considered valid if his changed appointment has been confirmed/approved/accepted by his Consultant/Trainer, whichever case is applicable.

In order to account for the timezone difference between the Customer/Student and the Consultant/Trainer, the first appointment available to the Customer/Student must be at least 24 hours away and is subject to the availability of the Consultant/Trainer.

Failure to attend the appointment, or being late to the appointment may result in Customer's/Student's Service being canceled and Customer's/Student's payment for the Service may be forfeited.

Privacy Statement and Cookies

We do use cookies on our Website. We may also collect your private information if you use our Service or purchase a Chart. Please read here for more information.

Other Applicable Legal Statements

For Website's Terms of Use, please visit: Terms Of Use

For privacy and use of cookies on Website, please visit: Privacy Statement And Cookies Policy

Last update: 01 Feb 2023

Science • Metaphysics • Future