Should we adjust our birth hour for Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart plotting?

When plotting a Zi Wei Dou Shu chart, enthusiasts of Chinese metaphysics often debate about whether one should use the birth hour as recorded on the official document or adjust it to account for the time difference for a variety of reasons.

Achieving a high degree of accuracy is crucial in this practice, as even a small error in birth information such as the date, gender, or time of birth can result in a completely different Chart that may not represent the person in question. In other words, you may end up reading the destiny of someone else.

But why is even adjusting the birth time a discussion?

When Zi Wei Dou Shu was founded a thousand years ago, the only tool used to measure time was the SUNDIAL. This device measures the relative positions of the Sun and the Earth, providing a precise measurement of time known as Solar Time.

Since the invention of clock, the recorded birth time of a person is typically based on the time shown on a clock or watch. However, this time does not necessarily reflect Solar Time. Instead, the recorded time is determined by the policies of the country where the birth occurred, which can be influenced by factors such as daylight saving, economic or social considerations, or adjustment during wartime etc (read more about this: How does a country change its time zone? read also countries that observe timezone that do not follow longitude: Time zone).

Moreover, reading the time on a clock or watch can also be prone to human error. A slight difference of just a few minutes can result in a completely different block of hours, and in some cases, it could even lead to a chart for a different year.

Fortunately, practitioners of Sihua Flying 18 Stars, a style of Zi Wei Dou Shu*, have a systematic and structured approach that adheres to the principle of “impression” (象) –> “event” (数) to deduce a chart. This approach allows for accurate identification of the correct chart, providing greater confidence in the accuracy of the results. Most exercises take less than 10 minutes, although some may take slightly longer.

Besides the debate mentioned above, there is also another discussion about the time difference between the birth location and the location of the practitioner at the time of reading the chart. However, this discussion is considered irrelevant for Zi Wei Dou Shu Sihua 18 Flying Stars. This is because the Sihua chart plotting doesn’t involve the use of 24 solar terms, unlike other Chinese astrology systems like Four Pillars Bazi (四柱八字). Even if we hypothetically assume that the chart plotting uses 24 solar terms, the time difference between the two locations would only affect the revolving dimensions (流运) and not the life dimension (permanent dimension, 本命盘) of the chart. However, this type of time difference is not the topic of discussion in this article.

Have you found out which Zi Wei Dou Shu chart is really yours?

To plot a free ZWDS Sihua Flying Stars chart, refer Sihua 18 Flying Stars chart

Zi Wei Dou Shu destiny reading: Ziwei consultation services

Zi Wei Dou Shu Sihua Flying Stars courses: Online 1×1 Practitioner course

*If you’re interested in learning more about the various styles of Zi Wei Dou Shu, check out our Master Practitioner graduate’s in-depth article,  “Aliran Ziwei Doushu”, which provides detailed information in Indonesian.

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